Moving to Commerce 2022

Moving to commerce has never been easier.

As a result, many of our professional services clients are referring to our work from commercial businesses keen to see excellent first movers. Hence, if you are interested in making a move to commerce, please let us know, and we will be happy to see if we can help.

In the meantime, though, we thought it is worthwhile highlighting points that are worth considering before accepting a position in commerce:

  • Lots of roles are being recruited in commerce, so we understand the push to move now;
  • We expect there to be a lot of activity over the next 2-3 years at least, so it is not now or never;
Moving to Commerce 2022
  • The risk in moving now is that your success is very much at the mercy of the success of the business you move to, and in many cases, you could be joining a finance team under stress;
  • Some people have been successful in moving; however, lots of people have made a move in the last 12-18 months only to be made redundant;
  • It is hard to move back from commerce to the prof, and the good firms will question your motives, so the roles that are available to you in prof now may not be available to you in the future;
  • In moving to commerce, you must be sure about the business’s performance locally and overseas.

If you are still keen on moving to commerce, please get in contact. We are happy to run through your options.

Equally, we would rather you stay where you are than accept a position you regret, so if you are interested in having a more general conversation about your experience and what to look out for, please email us at

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